Jeff Hebard
Real Estate Professional
- English
Jeff has spent his professional life educating and coaching the youth of our community and after 30 years of teaching, he is excited to be turning that community focus towards real estate and sharing that with the town he loves. Being a lifelong Fairbanksan and having full knowledge of what a great place Fairbanks and the surrounding areas are to live and work, Jeff will share with you his experience and bring to the table the work ethic that 30 years in a professional career can offer.
When Jeff isn’t helping to make home ownership dreams come true, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends while participating in the many outdoor activities that Fairbanks has to offer.
Jeff Hebard works in Fairbanks which has a population of 52,311. Fairbanks has a household income of $46,456. The educational attainment of residents of Fairbanks includes 63.8% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in Fairbanks will typically attend school in Fairbanks North Star Borough.